Plastic Waste in Texas By-The-Numbers
The amount of trash and litter produced annually in Texas

Texas Cities spend millions per year to deal with litter & illegal dumping

$50 Million
wasted in Texas tax dollars annually
When Texas' four largest population centers will start to run out of landfill space

participation rates in other states with the rebate program

Additional Research & Information
â– Plastic to Work Initiative - Burns & McDonnell report, Texans for Clean Water engaged a third-party engineering firm to evaluate an innovative approach to address litter, create jobs, and rebuild communities by increasing the recovery and recycling of plastics in Texas. 1/2018
■Cost of Litter and Illegal Dumping - Burns & McDonnell report titled The Cost of Litter and Illegal Dumping in Texas: A Study of Nine Cities Across the State​. 2/20/2017
â– Port NOLA Trash Free Waters (TFW) Pilot Project - In collaboration with U.S. EPA, port tenants and community stakeholders, Port NOLA is working to address the universal issue of trash, litter and debris and to prevent it from reaching our waterways. 11/3/2015
â– Stemming the Tide - Ocean Conservancy's 2015 report on a way forward to eliminate ocean plastic. Ocean Conservancy worked with the McKinsey Center for Business & Environment to lead a comprehensive study, Stemming the Tide supported by Alliance members, The Coca-Cola Company, the Dow Chemical Company, the American Chemistry Council, World Wildlife Fund and the Recycling and Economic Development Initiative of South Africa (REDISA).
â– Texas Legislators' Interim Charge on Litter Study - The Senate Committee on Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs received an interim charge to "Study and make recommendations on the effects of windblown and waterborne litter. The study should include an analysis of the economic effects of litter, any necessary methods to prevent and remediate litter, and an assessment of state and local programs to reduce litter." Link to be updated as information becomes available. 10/8/2015
â– Data in the Heart of Texas - Resource Recycling reports a recent study indicates significant recycling opportunities exist in the Lone Star State, and the numbers have grabbed the attention of state legislators. 9/1/15
â– Conserve, Renew, Restore - Framework for Implementing the RESTORE Act on the Texas Gulf Coast. 8/2015
â– What's in Our Trash? - City of Austin, Waste Characterization Study 2015
â– Texas Recycling Data Initiative (TRDI) Report - State Of Texas Alliance of Recyclers report (TX rate 18.9%)
â– 2013 Texas Litter Survey - TxDOT Don't Mess with Texas Visible Litter Study Full Report
â– Adopt-A-Beach Fall Cleanup Results - General Land Office Fall 2014 Location Report
â– Adopt-A-Beach Fall Cleanup Top 10 Results - General Land Office Fall 2014 Items Report
â– Bottled Water and Energy Fact Sheet - The growing consumption of bottled water raises questions about the product’s economic and environmental costs. Among the most significant concerns are the resources required to produce plastic bottles and to deliver filled bottles to consumers, including both energy and water. 2/2007
â– Plastics Facts & Statistics - Container Recycling Institute
â– Laws on Illegal Dumping - TIDRC's 0verview of Texas Health & Safety Code Chapter 365
â– United Nations Report - Plastic Waste Causes Financial Damage of US$13 Billion to Marine Ecosystems Each Year as Concern Grows over Microplastics. 6/23/2014